Friday, June 24, 2016

Release Blitz - Flawed by Rachael Orman

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Julia is a domme for hire. Paid to spank and dominate men, she loves what she does during the summer months. However, she is also a submissive for her husband.

Garrison is content being married to Julia even though he is a bisexual. That is, until he realizes the man he has the hots for is interested in him. Too bad his job as a detective has him busy dealing with a serial murder case. Good thing, the sexy lawyer is also on the case and it gives him a reason to see him.

Keaton might be a shark in the courtroom, winning almost every single case he tries, but he is submissive in the bedroom. It’s hard to balance his work life with his private life and finding someone that can handle both aspects of his personality.

When they realize they all know each other and there is desire between the three of them, things get hot. But, can three really make a relationship instead of two?

The serial murderer isn’t going to wait for them to figure out their situation. He is on the hunt for dommes and isn’t leaving much behind for the police to use to find him.


My phone rang, and I sat back from Garrison to pull it from my pocket. I cleared my throat at the name on the screen.
“Go ahead and take it,” Garrison said, leaning against the padding of the booth. He spread his arms out on either side of the backing, showing off how built he was and making my mouth go dry.
“Hello?” I tried answering in my normal voice, although it wasn’t normally how I spoke to her. However, balancing the dominating man in front of me and the controlling woman on the phone wasn’t easy.
“Where are you?” she barked.
“I’m sorry. I lost track of time. I am going to have to reschedule our meeting,” I admitted, holding back the groan that threatened to climb from within. Moving our appointment wasn’t what I wanted, but arriving late and not getting my full time wasn’t an option either. How had I lost track of time?
“This is unacceptable, Counselor. I’m very upset with you,” she snapped with venom in her voice.
“Understandably so. When can you fit me in next? I promise it won’t happen again.” I would’ve begged right then and there if it weren’t for the blue eyes burning into me from across the small table. I’d just tried to pick up on him only to be shot down, and now I was on the phone with the woman who dominated me on a regular basis. I wanted to squirm in my seat from the awkwardness of the situation, but didn’t because he couldn’t hear her side of the conversation. He had no idea who was on the phone, and I wouldn’t let it show. I might be submissive, but I wasn’t weak.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should make you wait another week before I make time for you. What would you say to that?” she demanded. That made me shift in my seat. I couldn’t handle waiting that long for her.
“Please,” I hissed, ducking my head, as if I could hide anything from the man across from me.
“Please what? You are the one that messed up here. Not me. I am upset with you; so why should I go out of my way to make time for you after you missed the time I’d already made for you?” she sneered.
My dick throbbed in my pants, my chest felt tight. I needed to see her. I needed the release only she was able to give me.
“I need to see you,” I lowered my voice even more, so low I wasn’t sure she’d be able to hear me.
“I’ll call you if I have some time open up,” she taunted and hung up.


Author Bio
Happily married mother of two darling, trying, beautiful, horribly energetic little girls, an adorable German Shephard pup who makes her get off her butt and at least go for a walk around the block, and a fat, old, lazy chihuahua.

When she isn't spending all her time writing dirty, sexy, naughty erotic romances, she is narrating audiobooks and helping run a LBGT blog.

Rachael loves to push herself to write new things so her books vary from heterosexual romances to gay/lesbian romances to menage romances... She couldn't imagine writing outside of the romance genre since that's what life is all about.. Love, sex, happiness.

She is a full supporter of the LBGT community and equality for all.

Please connect with her as she loves to know that people appreciate the time and energy she puts into each story.

Facebook Audiobook Narrator Page:


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