Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Release Blitz & Giveaway - This Old Heart of Mine by A.J. Compton

Title: This Old Heart of Mine
Author: A.J. Compton
Genre: Romance 
 Release Date: May 24, 2016


Ava Malone knows all about being broken-hearted.

Born with a severe heart defect, she’s spent her whole life in and out of hospital, desperately needing a transplant.

Just days from death, her weak prayers are finally answered, and she receives a new heart; one that not only saves her life, but changes it forever.

Now fit and healthy, Ava is able to do things she only dreamed of, like get a job and some independence, fall in love, and finally live life to the fullest.

But her journey of self-discovery takes her to places she never expected. Along the way, Ava doesn’t just find the woman she was always meant to be, but also finds out more about the woman who no longer is. The one who gave her this new life because she lost hers.

Faced with a devastating dilemma, Ava must decide whether the heart that’s pumping inside her body now belongs to her, or is still beating for someone else...

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"...His laughter mingles with mine and is absorbed by the stars.

It’s a moment granted to us by people I hope are in the sky above us now, laughing as they look down.

I’m sure others on the ground are staring at the scene we’re making, casting their judgments. But they don’t know us, not like we know us.

They don’t understand the hope in our eyes or the alchemy of our blood.

They don’t know our truth. Our hearts. Our lives.

Lives that we now have the freedom to live or waste.

Once. Twice. Or as many damn times as we like."

Author Bio

A.J. Compton wants a lot of things;

To write books that make you think and feel deeply. 

To make you ugly cry and cry with laughter. In the same book. 

To write stories that cause you to be anti-social and have you staying up late to finish them. 

To show that life can be cruel and difficult, but it can also be incredibly beautiful and worthwhile. 

And what A.J. really wants, is to write books that make you remember why you love to read. 

A.J. knows better than most that we don't always get what we want in life, but is going to give it a damn good try ;)

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